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Chorizo Impact

📈 72
ESP/ENG we talk more in spanish LGBTfriendly un server del Genshin, guias de farmeo, pasamos builds, códigos, etc. Podemos ayudar y jugar en cooperativo cuando quieras. Tambien somos multifandom y no hablamos solo del Genshin Impact, nuestros temas mas comunes son reglas son simples; no ser transfobico, no empezar ship discourse, no ser lgbtfobico en general, no ser racista/xenofobico. Gracias por leer, te esperamos are a Genshin server, farming guides, we send builds, codes, etc. We can help and play coop whenever you need. But also we are multifandom and we talk about more things than Genshin Impact, one of our most popular topics are anime/manga. Our rules are simple; not being transphobic, not starting ship discourse, not being lgbtphobic in general, not being racist / xenophobic. Thank you for reading, we will be waiting for you 𓆏☼
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 Mancha Real

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